Destiny : ♪ It’s all about the money money money ♪

destiny vente dollar

Un membre de reddit s’est payé un petit délire en faisant un rap sur la controverse entourant le prix des différentes éditions du DLC Le Roi des corrompus.

J’ai comme l’impression qu’on n’a pas fini d’entendre parler de cette histoire, en tous cas cela semble inspirer les joueurs xD

Now when I first saw that hunter bow, I forgot about the Dark Below I was all psyched up, Couldn’t give two fucks Bungie could have just take all of my dough,

And shit got really serious Those Taken dudes look well mysterious And new dance emotes Well you got my vote And dat TITAN HAMMER DOE!!!

But my enthusiasm just went flat Forget wearing oryx’s ass as a hat I’m not pulling my pants down So you can do me in the dark below

It’s all about the money money money You just want my money money money Those emotes you’re promising me We saw them back at the very first E3 It’s not About The Taken King It’s more about this whole pricing thing, Man, this deal was in the bag, Until you mentioned the price tag

Shader, sparrows, and emotes are fine, But you’re taking us from behind, Buying the same content twice, It just ain’t nice, It’s worse than DAT HELIUM GRIND

I’m not buying tins of red bull, Until my bloody vaults no longer full, Ain’t chucking cash at my screen That just sounds obscene Stop playing me for a fool.

Buying the first two expansions again, Just to get my hands on new content? Let me just bend down, So you can do me in my Crota’s end

It’s all about the money money money You just want my money money money I’m sorry Luke Smith, You are just taking the piss, It’s not About The Taken King It’s more about this whole pricing thing, Man, this deal was in the bag, Until you mentioned the price tag

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