Mass Effect Andromeda : La mise à jour 1.10 disponible

Mass effect Andromeda Patch 1.09

Le patch 1.10 de Mass Effect: Andromeda apporte quelques corrections de bugs. 

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A voir aussi – Mass Effect Andromeda [TEST]

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Avec le patch 1.10 de Mass Effect Andromeda, pesant 942.4Mo,l’équipe de BioWare corrige différents bugs et continue d’améliorer le côté multijoueur du titre.

Découvrez ci-dessous la liste complète des modifications en anglais en attendant la version française officielle :

Mass Effect Andromeda – Patch 1.10

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  • Veteran ranks of characters will only drop after all characters of that rarity have been unlocked to rank 10.
  • Naladen explosion now deals damage when Cryo or Incendiary Ammo are equipped.
  • Fixed issue where Dwindling Supplies and Empty Resupply mission modifiers would not function correctly if a player left the game.
  • Dhan shotgun now properly primes enemies.
  • Fixed issue where Bulwark, Siphon, and Concussive variants of pistols and sniper rifles would prime enemies too slowly when using special ammo.
  • Fixed issue where using Supply Pack Transmitter would reduce spare ammo if Empty Resupply mission modifier was active.
  • Using First Aid with Supply Pack Transmitter no longer heals enemies.
  • Fixed issue that caused screen to blink red/yellow when using Siphon and Bulwark weapons.
  • Rank XIV Common Characters are no longer displayed as Rank XV

source : Bioware

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