THE DIVISION : Le glitch RPM corrigé avec la mise à jour 1.7.1

the division patch 1.7.1

THE DIVISION glitch RPM mise à jour 1.7.1

Une nouvelle mise à jour (patch 1.7.1) pour The Division disponible demain après la maintenance.

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A voir aussi – The Division : Les nouveautés de la MAJ 1.7 en vidéo

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Massive vient d’annoncer via son compte twitter une nouvelle mise à jour à venir pour The Division. Elle modifie le fonctionnement des classements pour les évènements mondiaux et corrige de nombreux bugs, notamment le glitch permettant d’augmenter artificiellement la cadence de tir et les chances de coup critique de votre arme.

Cette mise à jour sera disponible ce mardi 19 septembre après la maintenance qui s’étendra de 9:30 à 12:30 (heure de Paris). En attendant la version française du patch-notes, retrouvez toutes les modifications en anglais ci-dessous.

The Division – Patch 1.7.1

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  • The Face Masks vanity rewards are now tied to Global Event Commendations instead of the Leaderboards. Global Event Leaderboards now reward a number of Classified Caches, the amount depending on an agent’s placement on the Global Event Leaderboards once the event ends.
  • Fixed an issue where agents would be prompted with an incorrect reward notification.
  • The first column in both Dark Zone Leaderboards and Global Event Leaderboards will now display Rank even though the text says Position.


  • Fixed a RPM related exploit.
  • Fixed an issue where agents could experience weapons jamming with low-RPM weapons, such as shotguns and marksman rifles.
  • Fixed an issue where an agent could get desynchronized if the agent cancelled the animation of entering cover with a combat roll.
  • Fixed a desynchronization issue which could occur after an agent jumped off a high structure.
  • Fixed a desynchronization issue which could occur during corner swaps.
  • Fixed a desynchronization issue which would occur when climbing off a prop and then quickly going into cover.
  • Fixed another desynchronization issue which could occur if the agent would perform a combat roll before finishing a cover to cover move.
  • Made several improvements in order to prevent various desynchronization issues.
  • Updated the description of the Striker’s set 4p bonus to now state that the bonus will be lost when exiting combat.

Retrouvez la page avec toutes nos infos sur The Division ici.

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